Broadband installed
We now have BT broadband and wifi installed, with download speeds up to 150Mb/s. Please contact us to arrange events etc using this facility.
[CLICK TO READ MORE]We now have BT broadband and wifi installed, with download speeds up to 150Mb/s. Please contact us to arrange events etc using this facility.
[CLICK TO READ MORE]MONDAY 23RD AUGUST, 7pm will be an open meeting for anyone to find out what we have been doing and offer help for more activities! Come and help us do want you want.
[CLICK TO READ MORE]The Knucklas Youth Club has been struggling to find adults to help in operating the Club. So, sadly, the committee has decided to suspend operations until more leaders can be found. We are sorry for the kids and the parents, … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
The annual open evening and Christmas draw is on FRIDAY 4TH DECEMBER in the Community Centre from 7pm onwards Our AM Kirsty Williams is joining us for a relaxed evening of music and snacks and the GRAND XMAS DRAW The … [CLICK TO READ MORE]
On the 6th December we had our annual social evening for the village, with a super prize raffle. Wine & cakes were much enjoyed and we raised about £400 for the hall. We are very grateful to all the donors … [CLICK TO READ MORE]